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The Red Line is the first phase of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) network, constructed by NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit…
La Samaritaine closed due to security concerns but reopened with improved physical security thanks to Qognify VMS.
Through interactive live video feeds, Springfield College keeps students, faculty, staff, visitors, buildings and grounds safe.
VGF utilizes Hexagon’s advanced video management technology to secure public transport in Germany’s financial capital.
Boehringer Ingelheim, a biopharmaceutical company, uses security applications to meet its complex security needs.
Every year, Institución Ferial de Madrid (IFEMA) Exhibition Center hosts more than 100 events covering a wide variety of economic…
Operated by the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, Miami International Airport (MIA) is the third-busiest airport in the U.S. for international passengers…
The University of Vermont quickly creates and conducts virtual patrols to ensure its students and staff are safe.
The Colruyt Group safeguards its goods and buildings through modernized security systems.
DPD Germany installed video solutions to better document, sort and hand over its parcels.
Erste Group’s Vienna headquarters uses Qognify VMS and SAIMOS analytics for efficient, secure and discreet 24/7 protection.
Qognify VMS helps Frigo-Trans monitor processes to optimize them, reduce costs and enhance customer satisfaction.
The largest private bank in Portugal, Millennium bcp holds a prominent position in the country’s financial market. In terms of…
The Oslo Airport utilizes Hexagon technology to enhance security and safety through improved situational awareness and management capabilities.
Stadtwerke München uses Qognify VMS to monitor 100 kilometers of track and over 1,000 vehicles, ensuring 24/7 security.
Hexagon provides one holistic security system for The Würth Group to avoid complexity problems while guaranteeing maximum protection.
With Qognify VMS, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien ensures campus security through an interactive network of video systems.
Europa-Park Rust uses Hexagon’s video solution to support Germany’s largest theme park.